Feldgendarmerie (Field Police)
The portrayal of Kettenhunde (Chain dogs, Soldat slang for Field Police also due to the gorgets they wore around their necks) is a secondary impression in GD. It may be utilized during a tactical to help organize an event or for a public display. It is only permissible when requested by the Kompanie Stab.
So if you’re interested in the impression, be mindful that you may only be able to use it once or twice a year. Be mindful that You must maintain a Grenadier impression first and foremost. Grenadier is your primary impression.
Feldgendarmerie units were generally given occupation duties in territories directly under the control of the Wehrmacht. Their duties policing the areas behind the front lines ranged from straightforward traffic control and population control. The Feldgendarmerie was under the direct control of the German High Command O.K.H (Oberkommando des Heeres). A Feldgendarmerie major general who was in charge of all Feldgendarmerie personnel attached to the Wehrmacht was directly subordinated to the Generalquartiermeister. He was responsible for postings and personnel administration, monitoring the performance of the police units, allocation of tasks, traffic regulations, and training.